Ready, Set, GROW!™

FREE Bodybuilding Workout from John Drake, Research Director

Grow Muscle FastThis unique, very effective bodybuilding workout is one that only a select few people know about, but it works like no other to grow muscle mass fast.

Originating in the 1940's, with the transcripts acquired by myself in 1993, this genuine one day bodybuilding workout produced such remarkable results that upon hearing of it many simply refused to believe it could be true. Others who found fast muscle gains with the system would almost inevitably succumb to abuse of the method, rendering it ineffective.

LONG LASTING RESULTS FACT: The Ready, Set, GROW!™ system of training only works when used infrequently. If applied too often, gains will decrease due to over-training. For long lasting results work each muscle group exactly as outlined below only twice a year*. Don't say you were not warned! This said, if you blast each muscle group twice per year with Ready, Set, GROW then the resulting incredibly fast muscle mass gains are obviously very much worth the planning and effort when added to your regular training!

Yes, there have been other so-called gain fast bodybuilding workouts, however you are looking at the original and without question most effective method, adding up to 1/2 and even 3/4 of an inch growth to any muscle group desired in one single day.

Follow the Ready, Set, GROW™ workout plan precisely as given below and you'll find the gains to be long lasting.

While other routines call for the performance of frequent high rep sets to grow muscle, those workouts mostly only result in a short term muscle "pump" and not much in the way of permanent muscle gain - which is what we are after. Likewise, the timing and use of a specific fast acting protein key to the Ready, Set, GROW muscle building workout is missing.

Our original method calls for one set each of two exercises be taken to total muscular failure to begin the workout day. Following this, at the top of every subsequent hour the two exercises are repeated, but in a very light and easy fashion thereafter to effectively flush out unwanted toxins and force feed the "hungry" muscle tissue with quickly assimilated protein for rapid repair and growth.

REMEMBER: The first set of two exercises of the day must be very heavy and taken to total muscular failure. If you fail to do this, stop, and start again a week later because this is the spark for a lasting muscle gain with the Ready, Set, GROW! system.

Here's the full workout plan in detail, my gift to you-

To prepare, set aside one full day for training a week or two in advance. During your wait, only workout to maintain strength. Think active recovery. Do not attempt to add plates, nor perform excessive sets (if anything, cut back). We are setting the stage. As for equipment, with arms as the example you will only need a barbell set. Most trainers like to start with this "showy" muscle group it seems. You must also have the right type of protein on hand to ingest throughout the Ready, Set, GROW workout day. To take full advantage of this opportunity to rapidly accelerate your muscle growth the tasty, quickly assimilated protein MASS PRO is utilized every 1/2 hour (Save 15% with code RSG). MASS PRO works best because it is specifically designed to be absorbed fast by your muscle tissue. Table protein foods are much too slowly digested and can't accomplish this no matter how much is consumed. In the old days, trainers using the program had to suffer through raw eggs every half hour. Fantasies of Rocky Balboa aside, this is of course not recommended because of the risk of deadly salmonella poisoning. Besides, even in their raw state eggs are not nearly as quickly assimilated and have a lower biological value.

A typical day using the Ready, Set, GROW! Bodybuilding Workout starts at 6:30am with a breakfast of steak and scrambled eggs, plus 100 grams of carbs in the form of oatmeal or rice. After, rest and relax until eight o'clock, then perform your first of 12 fast bodybuilding workouts (yes, 12). The first workout is 2 complimentary exercises for the particular muscle group we're focusing on for the day taken to total muscular failure. Then, at 8:30 comes your first MASS PRO protein shake. It is best to mix the powder in milk. If mixed in water, you'll want to nibble on a little bit of carbohydrate throughout the day. 9:00am brings the second set of the exercises, performed very light and easy. 9:30 is your next protein shake, 10:00 is the next light "workout" and so on throughout the day until 7pm. Between the top hour workouts and your half hour protein feedings do nothing physical. Feel free to study, watch television or nap. Kicked back and relaxed is cool.

Arm increases are very impressive with the Ready, Set, GROW! workout plan, so start off by picking two good arm exercises, one for your biceps and one for your triceps. I usually select the standing strict curl for the biceps and "nose breakers" for the triceps, but the choice is yours. Just make sure to properly isolate the muscle group you are working for the day.

So, start off at eight in the morning by doing one single set of your triceps exercise to failure, followed by one biceps movement worked to absolute muscular failure. Use a heavy weight, one that forces you to work as hard as possible just to gut out 6-8 reps.

These are the ONLY two sets you want to train to failure, at the beginning of the day.

Please read the above sentence again.

The following 9, 10, 11, etc. top hour workouts involve doing one set each of the two exercises again but instead with a much, much lighter weight that will permit around 20 reps. These will be slow, very easy sets. DO NOT train to failure or "burn". These sets are only intended to flush and "feed" your muscle tissue for growth. Stop two reps after feeling a "pump".

To review, the first workout must be taken to total muscular failure and is the "spark" for the entire day's gains. All following workouts must be very light and worked for about 20 easy reps. These force blood into the muscle which removes toxins and feeds the tissue with the muscle building protein supplied from your 1/2 hour MASS PRO shakes.

That's it. Simple and highly effective!

Wait a minimum of 30 days before blasting a different muscle group with the Ready, Set, GROW™ system.

TO GUARANTEE GREAT GAINS: Here's three tips to maximize your results: Shortly after 1/2 hour protein feedings, go through each exercise "freehand" with no weight. Move slowly with focused concentration using NO effort. You will be amazed at the muscle fullness. Another tip is to lightly massage the worked muscle right after your top hour workouts with Icy Hot or similar sports rub. Also, ActivECDY compliments MASS PRO perfectly to cement lasting gains for you with Ready, Set, GROW training. One capsule taken at breakfast, and then another with your 11:30am and 5:30pm half hour protein shakes will optimize your gains for the day.

*Here's how to best use Ready, Set, GROW to gain muscle year round: Divide up your muscle groups with two exercises for each as follows- Arms, Chest, Lats, Legs, Deltoids and Calves. Then, you simply apply a Ready, Set, GROW all day fast bodybuilding workout as given above for one muscle group every month. Remember to go easy on the specific muscle group being targeted both the week before and the week following your Ready, Set, GROW session. Be smart, and Good Luck!

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"The protein bar recipe looks amazing and I love to cook and bake so this will be much better than buying the bars I get at Costco. I know how much junk is in them... My son uses a protein powder from Rev Labs but I have not tried it as I love my MASS PRO Whey way, way too much!

Gold's Gym Venice is where I got my start and learned all I know about health, nutrition and body building at age 23. I am 59 years young, have worked out all my life and plan to stay in shape for as long as the good Lord allows. I'm glad to see your company does not cheapen the products, and they are worth the money."

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